First Dan Grading Syllabus

All the syllabus for 1st Dan students to learn in order to gain their 2nd Dan.
Jump to: Linework | Patterns | Set Sparring | Destruction | Theory
Grading Requirements
Before grading for your 2nd Dan you will need to fulfil the following requirements:-
- 1st Dan to 2nd Dan – eighteen months training time minimum.
- Train with your instructor on a regular basis.
- Be up to date with your subscriptions (monthly fees).
- Must have a current ITC e-card (this replaces the old licence – check with your instructor if you’re not sure!).
- Fill in and return the black belt grading form.
- Pay the necessary fee.
The following are examples of linework you may be asked to perform for your 1st Kup/black belt grading – but they are by no means prescribed!
- FWD Low block, rising block, reverse punch
- BWD Knife hand guarding block, upper elbow
- FWD rear leg front kick, turning kick, double punch
- BWD Double forearm block – middle WS, then low LS.
- FWD Side kick, back kick, reverse punch
- BWD First 3 Moves Won-Hyo
- FWD Turning kick, reverse turning kick, lead hand ridgehand, reverse punch
- BWD First 2 moves Toi-Gye
- FWD Front leg hook kick, side kick comb, RL axe kick.
- BWD Double hooking block, obverse punch,then twin knife hand block
- FWD Knife hand guarding block, FL front kick, flat fingertip thrust
- BWD U Shaped block, fixed stance.
- FWD Jumping Side Kick, Rear Leg,With Step
- BWD Wedging block WS, then knife hand strike LS.
- FWD Jumping front kick without step, then pressing block, low stance
- BWD X Fist pressing block, X fist rising block
Choong Moo
Examiners choice coloured belt patterns x 2
Ge-Baek Kwang-Gae Po-Eun
GE-BAEK is named after Ge-Baek, a great general in the Baek Je Dynasty (660 AD). The diagram represents his severe and strict military discipline.
Number of Movements: 44
Ready Position: Parallel ready stance

- Step right foot back to L-stance, x-knife-hand checking block
- 1. Step backwards with the right foot to C forming a right L-stance while executing an X knife-hand checking block.
- Right twisting kick (keep hands as they are) then walking stance double punch.
- 2. Execute a low twisting kick to D with the right foot keeping the position of the hands as they were in 1.
- 3. Lower the right foot to D forming a right walking stance toward D while executing a middle punch to D with the right fist.
- 4. Execute a middle punch with the left fist. Moves 2, 3 and 4 are twisting kick, double punch performed like snap kick double punch.
- Step right leg back into walking stance rising block, low block, high double arc-hand checking block to your right.
- 5. Step back with the right foot to C forming a left walking stance while executing a rising block with the left forearm.
- 6. Execute a low block with the left forearm.
- 7. Execute a high double arc hand checking block to A. Perform moves 5, 6 & 7 in continuous movement.
- Pull left leg up into bending ready stance, forearm guarding block
- 8. Pull the front leg up forming a right bending ready stance forearm guarding block (bending ready stance A).
- Land in sitting stance towards back right corner, left scooping block, right middle punch then left front back fist strike while taking right fist under left elbow.
- 9. Lower the left foot to AD to form a sitting stance toward AC while executing a scooping block to AC with the left palm.
- 10. Execute a middle punch with the right fist.
- 11. With your left fist execute a front back fist strike whilst taking the right fist under your left elbow. Perform 9, 10 & 11 in continuous movement.
- Pull right foot back in line with left foot, bring left foot to right then step left foot forwards into right L-stance knife-hand guarding block.
- 12. Move the right foot towards D on line CD until it is in line with the left foot and then move the left foot to right foot and step forwards with the left foot towards C forming a right L-stance while executing a middle knife hand guarding block.
- Keep hands as they are, left low snap kick, land low stance high flat fingertip thrust – left, then right.
- 13. Execute a low front snap kick to C with the left foot keeping the position of the hands as they were in 12.
- 14. Lower the left foot to C forming a left low stance while executing a high flat fingertip thrust with the left hand.
- 15. Execute a high flat fingertip thrust with the right hand. Perform moves 13, 14 & 15 in continuous movement similar to front snap kick, double punch.
- Bring left hand to side of right hand (hands open) and pull both hands to left shoulder, right middle side kick.
- 16. Bring left hand to side of right hand (hands open) then pull both hands to left shoulder whilst performing a middle side piercing kick to C with the right foot.
- Put right foot down into right L-stance forearm guarding block facing front.
- 17. Lower the right foot to C forming a right L-stance middle forearm guarding block toward D.
- Pivot on front (left) foot, turn to left to face the back, L-stance forearm guarding block.
- 18. Pivoting on the left foot, move the right foot to D turning counter clockwise to face C, forming a right L-stance middle forearm guarding block.
- Pivot on back (right) foot, turn to left to face the front, right L-stance knife-hand guarding block.
- 19. Pivoting on the right foot, move the left foot to D turning counter clockwise to face D, forming a right L-stance middle knife hand guarding block.
- Move left foot into sitting stance facing right, right 9 shaped block.
- 20. Move the left foot on line CD to form a sitting stance toward A while executing a right 9-shape block.
- Pivot on left foot, turn left 270 degrees (face the back) into left walking stance low knife-hand block.
- 21. Pivoting on the left foot, move the right foot to D, turning counter-clockwise to form a left walking stance toward C while executing a low knife hand block.
- Right middle turning kick, put foot down, right flying side kick.
- 22. Execute a middle turning kick to BC with the right foot and then lower it to C
- 23. Execute a flying side piercing kick to C with the right foot. Perform 22 and 23 in a fast motion.
- Land right walking stance high twin vertical fist punch.
- 24. Land to C to form a right walking stance toward C while executing a high twin vertical fist punch
- High double arc-hand checking block to your left.
- 25. Execute a high double arc-hand checking block to A
- Left upset punch.
- 26. Execute an upset punch to C with the left fist.
- About face to face front, right front elbow strike.
- 27. About face box turn forming a left walking stance to D as you strike the left palm with the right front elbow.
- Jump forwards to right x-stance high double forearm block.
- 28. Jump to D, forming a right x-stance toward D while executing a high double forearm block to D.
- Move left foot into sitting stance facing front left corner, right scooping block, left middle punch, right front back fist strike taking left fist under right elbow.
- 29. Move the left foot to BC to form a sitting stance toward BD, at the same time executing a right scooping block
- 30. Execute a middle punch with the left fist.
- 31. With your right fist execute a front back fist strike whilst taking the left fist under your right elbow. Perform 29, 30 and 31 in continuous movement.
- Move left foot to form left walking stance facing the back, high reverse knife-hand strike bringing left fingertips under right elbow.
- 32. Move the left foot to C, forming a left walking stance toward C, at the same time executing a high front strike to C with the right reverse knife-hand.
- Move left foot to left, right turning kick.
- 33. Move the left foot to A about half a shoulder width then perform a middle turning kick to C with the right foot.
- Lower right foot as if doing first step of about face then turn left moving left foot into left walking stance towards the front, high twin vertical fist punch.
- 34. Lower the right foot to C as if performing the first step of a box turn, then complete the box turn with the left leg turning counter-clockwise performing a left walking stance high twin vertical fist punch to D.
- Pull front foot back to make right L-stance, right upward middle knuckle fist punch, reaction hand to shoulder.
- 35. Withdraw the left foot forming a right L stance while executing an upward middle knuckle fist punch with the right fist, bringing the left side fist to the right shoulder.
- Move right foot into sitting stance facing left, left 9-shaped block
- 36. Move the right foot to D to form a sitting stance toward B, at the same time executing a left 9-shape block.
- Left low reverse knife-hand guarding block, then right knife-hand guarding block.
- 37. Execute a left low reverse knife-hand guarding block.
- 38. Execute a low right knife-hand guarding block. Perform 37 and 38 in a continuous motion.
- Move left foot, stamp into sitting stance W shaped block facing right, .
- 39.Move the left foot to D in a stamping motion to form a sitting stance toward A while executing a W-shape block.
- Step left foot forwards stamp into sitting stance W shaped block facing left.
- 40. Move the left foot to C in a stamping motion to form a sitting stance toward B while executing a W-shape block.
- Step right foot towards the back (facing the back) into right walking stance rising block, reverse punch.
- 41. Move the right foot to C forming a right walking stance toward C while executing a rising block with the right forearm.
- 42. Execute a middle punch to C with the left fist. Perform 41 and 42 in continuous motion.
- About face to front, left walking stance rising block, reverse punch.
- 43. About face box turn and execute a rising block with the left forearm whilst making a left walking stance towards D.
- 44. Execute a middle punch to D with the right fist. Perform 43 and 44 in continuous motion.
END: Pull the right foot forwards to the ready position (parallel ready stance).
KWANG-GAE is named after the famous Kwang-Gae-Toh-Wang, the 19th King of the Koguryo Dynasty, who regained all the lost territories including the greater part of Manchuria. The diagram represents the expansion and recovery of lost territory. The 39 movements refer to the first two figures of 391 A. D., the year he came to the throne
Number of Movements: 39
Starting Position: Parallel stance with a heaven hand

- Bring the left foot to the right foot, forming a close ready stance B toward D, bringing both hands in a circular motion
- Move the left foot to D, forming a left walking stance toward D while executing an upset punch to D with the right fist. Perform in slow motion
- Move the right foot to D, forming a right walking stance toward D while executing an upset punch to D with the left fist. Perform in slow motion
- Move the left foot to the side front of the right foot, and then move the right foot to D, forming a right walking stance toward D, at the same time executing a high hooking block to D with the right palm. Perform in a double stepping motion
- Move the right foot to C in a sliding motion to form a right L-stance toward D, at the same time executing a low guarding block to D with a knife-hand
- Move the right foot to the side of the left foot and then move the left foot to D, forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a high hooking block to D with the left palm. Perform in a double stepping motion
- Move the left foot to C in a sliding motion forming a left L-stance toward D while executing a low guarding block to D with a knife-hand
- Move the left foot to D, forming a right rear foot stance toward D while executing a high guarding block to D with a knife-hand
- Move the right foot to D, forming a left rear foot stance toward D while executing a high guarding block to D with a knife-hand
- Move the left foot to the side front of the right foot and then turn counter-clockwise, pivoting with the left foot, to form a left walking stance toward C while executing an upward block to C with the right palm. Perform in a slow motion
- Move the right foot to C, forming a right walking stance toward C while executing an upward block to C with the left palm. Perform in a slow motion
- Execute a low front block with the right knife-hand in a circular motion, hitting the left palm while bringing the left foot to the right foot to form a close stance toward C
- Execute a pressing kick to E with the left foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 12
- Execute a middle side piercing kick to E with the left foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 13. Perform 13 and 14 in a consecutive kick
- Lower the left foot to E, forming a right L-stance toward E while executing a high inward strike to E with the right knife-hand and bringing the left side fist in front of the right shoulder
- Execute a downward strike to E with the left side fist while forming a close stance toward C, pulling the left foot to the right foot
- Execute a pressing kick to F with the right foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 16
- Execute a middle side piercing kick to F with the right foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 17. Perform 17 and 18 in a consecutive kick
- Lower the right foot to F, forming a left L-stance toward F while executing a high inward strike to F with the knife-hand and bringing the right side fist in front of the left shoulder
- Execute a downward strike to F with the right side fist while forming a close stance toward C, pulling the right foot to the left foot
- Move the left foot to C, forming a left low stance toward C while executing a pressing block with the right palm. Perform in slow motion
- Move the right foot to C, forming a right low stance toward C while executing a pressing block with the left palm. Perform in a slow motion
- Move the right foot to D in a stamping motion to form a sitting stance toward F while executing a high side strike to D with the right back fist
- Execute a middle block to D with the right double forearm while forming a right walking stance toward D, pivoting with the left foot
- Execute a low block to D with the left forearm while shifting to C, maintaining a right walking stance toward D, keeping the position of the right hand as it was in 24
- Execute a high thrust to D with the right flat fingertip while forming a right low stance toward D, slipping the right foot to D. Perform in slow motion
- Move the left foot on lone CD in a stamping motion to form a sitting stance toward F while executing a high side strike to C with the left back fist
- Execute a middle block to C with the left double forearm while forming a left walking stance toward C, pivoting with the left foot
- Execute a low reverse block to C with the right forearm while shifting to D, maintaining a left walking stance toward C, keeping the position of the left hand as it was in 28
- Execute a high thrust to C with the left flat fingertip while forming a left low stance toward C, slipping the left foot to C
- Move the right foot to C in a stamping motion, forming a right walking stance toward C while executing a high vertical punch to C with a twin fist
- Move the left foot to A in a stamping motion, forming a left walking stance toward A while executing an upset punch to A with a twin fist
- Execute a middle front snap kick to A with the right foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 32
- Lower the right foot, and then move the left foot to A to form a left L-stance toward B while executing a middle guarding block to B with a knife-hand
- Move the left foot to B, forming a left walking stance toward B while executing a high punch to B with the left fist
- Move the right foot to B in stamping motion, forming a right walking stance toward B while executing an upset punch to B with a twin fist
- Execute a middle front snap kick to B with the left foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 36
- Lower the left foot to the right foot, and then move the right foot to B to form a right L-stance toward A at the same time executing a middle guarding block to A with a knife-hand
- Move the right foot to A, forming a right walking stance toward A while executing a high punch to A with the right fist
END: Bring the left foot back to a ready posture
PO-EUN is the pseudonym of a loyal subject Chong Mong-Chu (1400) who was a famous poet and whose poem “I would not serve a second master though I might be crucified a hundred times” is known to every Korean. He was also a pioneer in the field of physics. The diagram represents his unerring loyalty to the king and country towards the end of the Koryo Dynasty.
Number of Movements: 36
Starting Position: Parallel stance with a heaven hand

- Move the left foot to B, forming a right L-stance toward B while executing a middle guarding block to B with the forearm
- Pull the right foot to the left knee joint to form a left one-leg stance toward D, at the same time lifting both fists while turning the face toward A
- Execute a pressing kick to A with the right foot keeping the position of the hands as they were in 2
- Lower the right foot to A to form a sitting stance toward D while executing a middle side strike to A with the right knife-hand
- Execute an angle punch with the left fist while maintaining a sitting stance toward D
- Execute a pressing block with the left, fore fist while executing a side front block with the right inner forearm, maintaining a sitting stance toward D
- Execute a pressing block with the right fore fist and a side front block with the left inner forearm while maintaining a sitting stance toward D
- Execute a middle wedging block with the inner forearm while maintaining a sitting stance toward D
- Thrust to C with the right back elbow supporting the right fore fist with the left palm keeping the face as it was in 8 while maintaining a sitting stance towards D
- Execute a middle punch to D with the right fist slipping the left palm up to the right elbow joint while maintaining a sitting stance toward D
- Thrust to C with the left back elbow supporting the left fore fist with right palm, keeping the face as it was in 10 while maintaining a sitting stance toward D
- Execute a right horizontal punch to A while maintaining a sitting stance toward D. Perform 6 through 12 in a continuous motion
- Cross the left foot over the right foot forming a right X-stance toward D while executing a low front block to D with the right outer forearm and bringing the left finger belly on the right under forearm
- Move the right foot to A forming a left L-stance toward A at the same time executing a U-shape grasp to A
- Bring the left foot to the right foot forming a closed stance toward D while executing a horizontal thrust with a twin elbow, turning the face toward B. Perform in slow motion
- Move the left foot to B to form a sitting stance toward D while executing a side back strike to C with the right back fist and extending the left arm to the side downward
- Cross the right foot over the left foot forming a left X-stance toward D while executing a low front block with the left outer forearm and bringing the right finger belly to the left side fist
- Move the left foot to B to form a sitting stance toward D while executing a low guarding block to B with a reverse knife-hand
- Execute a forearm middle guarding block to A while forming a left L-stance toward A pivoting with left foot
- Pull the left foot to the right knee joint to form a right one-leg stance toward D, at the same time lifting both fists while turning the face toward B
- Execute a pressing kick to B with the left foot keeping the position of the hands as they were in 20
- Lower the left foot to B to form a sitting stance toward D while executing a middle side strike to B with the left knife-hand
- Execute an angle punch with the right fist while maintaining a sitting stance toward D
- Execute a pressing block with the right, fore fist while executing a side front block with the left inner forearm, maintaining a sitting stance toward D
- Execute a pressing block with the left fore fist and a side front block with the right inner forearm while maintaining a sitting stance toward D
- Execute a middle wedging block with the inner forearm while maintaining a sitting stance toward D
- Thrust to C with the left back elbow supporting the left fore fist with the right palm keeping the face as it was in 26 while maintaining a sitting stance towards D
- Execute a middle punch to D with the left fist slipping the right palm up to the left elbow joint while maintaining a sitting stance toward D
- Thrust to C with the right back elbow supporting the right fore fist with left palm, keeping the face as it was in 28 while maintaining a sitting stance toward D
- Execute a left horizontal punch to B while maintaining a sitting stance toward D. Perform 24 through 30 in a continuous motion
- Cross the right foot over the left foot forming a left X-stance toward D while executing a low front block to D with the left outer forearm and bringing the right finger belly on the left under forearm
- Move the left foot to B forming a right L-stance toward B at the same time executing a U-shape grasp to B
- Bring the right foot to the left foot forming a closed stance toward D while executing a horizontal thrust with a twin elbow, turning the face toward A. Perform in slow motion
- Move the right foot to A to form a sitting stance toward D while executing a side back strike to C with the left back fist and extending the right arm to the side downward
- Cross the left foot over the right foot forming a right X-stance toward D while executing a low front block with the right outer forearm and bringing the left finger belly to the right side fist
- Move the right foot to A to form a sitting stance toward D while executing a low guarding block to A with a reverse knife-hand
END: Bring the left foot back to a ready posture
Set Sparring
1 step sparring (advanced).
Free Sparring – three rounds.
- Hand: Any hand technique including elbow:
- Males: 1 white board
- Females: 1 white board.
- Foot: Any rear leg standing kick:
- Males:1 white board
- Females:1 white board.
• Explain what makes a stance a ‘Left’ or ‘Right’ stance?
• Explain what obverse and reverse means?
• Name the weight distribution of the following stances:
o Walking stance
o Sitting stance
o Parallel stance
o Attention stance
o Closed stance
o Fixed stance
o Low stance
o L-stance
o Vertical stance
o X-stance
o Rear foot stance
o Bending stance
o One legged stance
• Demonstrate the following techniques, and indicate and name the attacking/blocking tool:
o Sitting stance nine shaped block (Po-Eun)
o Sitting stance double side punch (Po-Eun)
o High double side elbow (Po-Eun)
o Inner forearm wedging block (Po-Eun)
o Double arc-hand checking block (Kwang-Gae)
• Explain the difference between a bending stance and a one-legged stance, and what pattern do you find a one-legged stance in?
• What makes a technique an ‘outward’ technique?
• What makes a technique an ‘inward’ technique?
• What makes a technique a ‘rising’ technique?
• What is the difference in application of guarding blocks as opposed to reaction hand to the hip blocks?
• What is the meaning of patterns Kwang-Gae, Po-Eun and Ge-Baek – and how many moves do each of the patterns have?